12th Annual Green Energy Conference in Xi'an, China (IGEC-XII)

Conference Objective

The IGEC is a multi–disciplinary conference on energy systems and technologies with no/reduced environmental, economic and social impact, and provides a forum for the exchange of technical information, for the dissemination of high-quality research results, and for the debate and shaping of future directions and priorities in energy sustainability and security.



The conference will be held in the City of Xi’an, China. Xi’an is the capital city of Shaanxi Province with a population of over 13 million. It is one of the oldest cities in China, serving as the ancient Capital for several dynasties in Chinese history. Xi’an International Airport (XIY) operates numerous international and domestic routes. It is conveniently connected with other major cities in China by high-speed rail. 

Conference Date

July 31 - August 3, 2017


Jan 15, 2017: Short abstract due
May 20, 2017: Full paper due
The full paper deadline has been extended to allow for more participants. You can now submit your full paper directly to igec@mail.xjtu.edu.cn before May 20th, 2017.

Journal Publication

High-quality original papers of archival value will be recommended for publication in special issues of several prestigious international journals, including:

  • Applied Energy

  • International Journal of Green Energy

  • International Journal of Energy Research

Contact Information

Local Support Contact

Qiuwang Wang
E: wangqw@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

General Contact

Xianguo Li
E: xianguo.li@uwaterloo.ca
P: 1-519-888-4567 x36843

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